
Monday, April 18, 2011

How to Deal With Snoring - or A Quiet Night

No, I do not snore. I am sure that more than half of people surveyed say that phrase. We deny this fact, but nevertheless, according to statistics, 45% of people throughout their lives suffer from this ailment is not very pleasant - snoring.

Incidentally, the snoring partner is one of the reasons for discord sex couples, and some did thinking about divorce because of outrageously snoring own half.

By the way, irritation of others -

it's so bad. The biggest problem - is that snorer primarily harm their health. Snoring in itself is a precursor and the main symptom of serious diseases, such as: cessation of breathing during sleep (apnea), oxygen deficiency (hypoxia). The latter leads to chronic sleep loss and fatigue. In addition, snoring triggers hormonal changes, metabolic disorders, contributes to the progression of obesity, hypertension, affects the functioning of the heart and can lead to stroke, myocardial infarction, and even ... impotence.

We consider the main causes of snoring and ways to "fight" with him.


Statistics show that by reducing body weight by 10% apnea parameters improved by 50%. Avoid eating before bedtime. Full stomach, diaphragm bends, which can interfere with normal breathing.

Alcohol abuse

Alcohol (as well, and sleeping pills) reduces muscle tone and promotes relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles, which in turn provokes snoring and the disease stops breathing during sleep. So if you drink, do so at least four hours before bedtime (do not laugh - I said "drink" and not get drunk!).


Cigarette smoke irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and throat and can lead to chronic inflammation of the pharynx and trachea, accompanied by a swelling of their walls. This in turn can lead to a narrowing of the airways and increase the risk of stopping breathing during sleep.

Wrong position for sleeping

Do not sleep on their backs. Respiratory disorders are exacerbated greatly in this position. Sleep on your side. There is an interesting way to get himself to sleep on her side. By pajamas (or, as you will sleep there) is sewn pocket, which is closed with a small ball, such as tennis. Once you want to lie down on his back, the ball will wake you (well, really, embarrassing!). As practice shows, a month later produced resistant human reflex to sleep on her side.

Provide elevated head position. It also prevents the retraction of the tongue and increased snoring.

There are still major causes of the causes of snoring, such as: the curvature of the nasal septum, congenital narrowness of the throat and nasal passages, the polyps in the nose, and allergic rhinitis, elongated uvula, malocclusion, enlarged tonsils, decreased thyroid function. But this problem can not cope at home with them to go to a good Laura or endocrinologist.

Treatment for snoring

Treatment of snoring is most effective method of laser therapy. Total for 10-15 minutes at a specialized clinic snorer make the operation painless laser beam, which will get rid of snoring.

There are also non-surgical way to deal with snoring - a device that resembles a normal baby pacifier. It consists of a cup-like petals, on the tongue and rim, and protect against the ingestion of fallout from the mouth. Therapeutic effect of the device is in the reflex stimulation of the tongue and throat muscles, thus increasing the tone of the sky and prevent vibration, eliminating snoring.

U.S. scientists have invented yet another way to deal with snoring - a special vaccination in the soft palate, which is enough for at least 19 months of quiet and restful sleep. According to Dr. Scott Bridle Medical Center Walter Reed, 3 of 4 patients at 1.5 years just forget about snoring. It is worth a cheap vaccine, but minus her that the injection will have to do ... life, ie, each time after its "action".

And finally, a couple of useful exercise that should be done daily:

1. Mouth closed, breathing through the nose. Squeeze the back of the tongue and with force, pull tongue to the throat. Repeat the exercise three times a day for 10-15 times and the soft palate will get stronger, reducing the likelihood of snoring.

2. Pronounce the sound "and" straining muscles pharynx, soft palate, and neck. Repeat the exercise in the morning and evening for 20-25 times.

Follow the above recommendations, and perhaps a few weeks, your half will move at last from the places of "temporary dislocations in a double bed and will not push you in the night in his side, muttering:" Stop snoring! But when will it end? "

Good night!

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