
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What is Information Overload and How is it Dangerous?

We live in a digital world where information is gained independent status and can be viewed as something tangible. Increased flow of information - speed and volume data. If before reading only one newspaper, it was possible to keep abreast of developments, now and TV and the Internet, and all media taken together is not enough for a full review of the available events.

How in such circumstances feel man? More precisely, how it feels to the human brain - the main processor of data coming from the outside world? I must say that in very different ways, he feels.

It is known that the brain itself is not working at full capacity - namely, involves about 5%. And yet, while it can handle an enormous amount of information. The problem is that our animal nervous systems are simply unable to cope with this load, which is why the remaining 95% of gray matter are blocked for the time being.

The progress of civilization is now developing rapidly and of course, pays no attention to the physical characteristics of a person's ability to develop their brain with the correct speed. Therefore became relevant such a thing as information overload or burnout.

Such frustration arises from the constant voltage, when a person is a long time thinking hard about several problems, keep in mind a large number of unit information (for example, the set of unrelated digits), tracks a lot of visual information, is forced to rapidly process the incoming data (eg , got a question, respond quickly). If such a state of continuous, short-term, it is very useful and develops, but if it ever can be at one point, expect failure.

The first sign of burnout is loss of sleep. It seems to be okay when you lay in bed, turns and all the thought. It seems that the body simply does not want to rest, but it is not. Nervous activity in the brain is too big to go to sleep. With such a lack of sleep certainly experienced each of us from work, who love to experience, some from more then. Someone may say that to work hard - then sleep better. No way! Work hard, too, must be wisely!

The second sign is loss of appetite. Or, for example, when you forget that it was eaten, was it delicious, and other details associated with the consumption of food.

A lot of burnout manifested feeling "like a compressed spring, when there is nervousness, short temper.

Virtually all overload start "rebate", that is easy to process information slowly.

All these are signs of incipient nervous overload.

Prolonged overloading appears shaky for no reason at all hands, twitching of skin (eg face), heart palpitations, cardiac arrhythmia, stomach upset, etc. This is the physical reaction of the body - so runs the nervous system to protect itself from destruction.

Naturally, knowing that there is a danger of such a psychological disorder, those engaged in too nervous or information work, should be attentive to the behavior of their nerves. Knowingly biological fact has become a proverb: Nerve cells can not be restored! Therefore, you should take care of yourself and be able to at some point to tell the computer "no" and go for a walk in the park.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Can Exercise Be Harmful?

"Exercise can replace many medications, but no medicine can not replace exercise" - this statement became the catch phrase. Champions for a healthy lifestyle often repeated it, like an ancient wisdom "in a healthy body - healthy mind" (incidentally, the validity of the latter can still argue: not once in history have met the person, in an imperfect body which lived a genius, a progressive and a healthy mind in contrast to the spirituality of some burly). But it does not mean that.

Propaganda about the benefits of sport and physical culture has become so familiar to us that we have stopped noticing it. But some specialists (doctors, teachers, psychologists) it inspired on the radically opposite study. After the hard work they have conclusively answered the question: "Is it always useful exercise?"

Thus, the professionals say that sport during the cold is not recommended. Any disease itself is a significant burden on the body. Therefore, the additional load in the form of physical exercise more frequently do harm than good.

For a number of diseases need a special type and character of the movement, developed with the help of special techniques. Therefore, for general physical exercise set some contraindications. These include:
- Acute infectious diseases;
- All in an active form of the disease;
- Chronic disease exacerbation;
- Mental illness;
- Organic diseases of the central nervous system;
- Malignant neoplasms;
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system with an abrupt dysfunction of joints and severe pain;
- Bronchial asthma with frequent, difficult to treat seizures;
- Cardio-vascular system.
In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidney, diseases of the endocrine glands in each case to the conclusion of the treating physician.
As stated by Dr. N. Mokhnach, a more detailed list of contraindications (as well as the recommended types of physical activity) can be found in the regulations of Ministry of Health and medical references.

And yet you can not completely ignore the movement. It makes no sense to deny that the state of the body is greatly influenced by the level of general locomotor activity of man. This concept includes all kinds of movements, committed person per night: work at their summer cottage and household chores, sports training and ordinary walking around the house with excitement or boredom. Some Russian and Japanese scientists believe that a healthy adult man should do in the day at least 10-15 thousand steps.

Institute of Physical Education offers the following weekly rates of physical activity: - for preschoolers - 21-28 hours - for students - 14-21 hours - for students in specialized secondary schools and university students - 10-14 hours - for people of working age - 6-10 hours. Strange, but for pensioners for some reason, these recommendations do not say anything. Apparently, the scientists gave the palm of their wisdom: retired - each his own research institute.

But seriously, in any case, exercise and sports or not, decides the man himself. And often doubts about the benefits of physical activity are dictated not only care about their body, but are driven by psychological base: people subconsciously do not want to deal with. So maybe it makes sense to overcome yourself?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What is A Phobia and How To Get Rid of It?

Man is born absolutely fearless. Once I watched a movie about human fears BBC. A little child playing with a snake and was not afraid of it. He just did not know that it is dangerous. Children are not afraid of heights, not afraid to touch the fire, stumble, fall, not afraid of no snakes or spiders, etc.

These fears are acquired by us then when we grow up, and we start talking that is dangerous and what is absolutely harmless. When our fears are too strong, they are called phobias.

Although man is born

fearless, but a predisposition to phobias, we have still to early childhood. This is a survival instinct. Every person has innate instincts and rules of conduct in times of danger. Although a child and is not afraid of snakes, spiders, etc., but for some reason, starts to cry when any threat, whether it's loud, sudden movements in front of the eyes or just hungry.

What is a phobia? Where did it come from? Phobia - fear is acquired. By the way allergy and phobia of something similar. A person can react badly to the allergen, if he sees him, while his body, the immune system reacts calmly to these substances.

A phobia occurs when the front man at some point in life there is a situation which, as it seems, is life threatening. The real danger might not be, but the person will perceive it as dangerous. This is a situation in which he experienced a feeling of instinctive fear. What harm, for example, may lead to a closed door? Or a subtle scent of a plant? And yet, the person begins to feel fear, sometimes panic.

Some people have a trap situation sometimes causes the manifestation of claustrophobia - fear of closed spaces. A person can not sleep with the door closed or the window, is afraid of close spaces, elevators.

I, for example, when I was five years old, watched with horror mum about spiders. They ruthlessly devoured people, climbed under the skin. Impression of the movie was so strong, fear, contrast, huge jaw, bright image, color saturation, that since I hate spiders, even the smallest and most innocuous.

Only one kind of spider makes me fear and loathing. What is it? In fact, I understand that such a small creature can not do anything I do, but I fear it. Simple phobia was stronger than reason. When I fully realized my problem, I decided to search "medicine" from her.

However, I found that the stability of phobias give three things. Firstly, it is life threatening. Whether real or simply a person felt that there was a danger. The main thing is to feel it. Secondly, this impression. That is, color, contrast, effects, color saturation, feelings of disgust and fear of other people (for example, in my case with the movie). Finally, the third reason - it's a secondary benefit of phobias or allergies. Knows this is only our subconscious, and it is carefully hides. For example, you want to appear weak and helpless, etc.

The best "medicine" from a phobia - it is work with the subconscious using different techniques of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). To work with a phobia can be used reframing, a method of visually-dissociation, etc. Importantly, to the person to want.

Recently I found an interesting method of treating phobias, which is called the "method of collapse anchors". This method is described by V. Sysuyev. Go to the doctor arrived the patient who has a severe allergy to mimosa. I quote you their dialogue.

Patient: I do turns out to be a severe allergy to mimosa.

Doctor: What is it expressed?

Patient: We have a mimosa is in the house, and when I go, I have a headache.

Doctor: Try to remember when you very first time in my life seen mimosa.

Patient: Yes, it was most recently on March 8. We bought a mimosa to celebrate women and I gave them to his wife, an employee, his mother-to someone else. Prior to that, no allergy was not.

Doctor: Imagine a flower that clearly evokes positive emotions.

Patient: We need to think ... Geranium.

Doctor: How do you imagine the image of a geranium? What it size, as full of flowers?

Patient: Normal geranium in full size (shows hands thirty centimeters in height)

Doctor: In a very strong smell of geraniums is not it?

Patient: No, why? Pretty nice.

Doctor: In what form do you imagine mimosa?

Patient: Yes, I smell her annoying.

Doctor: Imagine a mimosa blossoms geraniums.

Patient: Presented ... Only leaves left over from mimosa (wrinkles nose).

Doctor: Leaves from the same geraniums sprout.

Patient: Presented.

Doctor: What smells like a miracle?

Patient: Nothing.

You know, after reading this dialogue, I thought of spiders, which I'm afraid. I thought, as I have some insect causes the most positive emotions. It turned out that the butterfly. She is so beautiful, easy. Then I imagine that the spider grow butterfly wings. Just imagine it ... funny, huh?!

He has become not a spider, and so unusual an interesting insect. The image of a spider is not just negative emotions, but positive. Even positive emotions than negative ones. And the fear disappears, unless it is to provide bright contrast.

Try it! I think you get it too! I wish you nothing to be afraid! Good luck!

Monday, April 18, 2011

How to Deal With Snoring - or A Quiet Night

No, I do not snore. I am sure that more than half of people surveyed say that phrase. We deny this fact, but nevertheless, according to statistics, 45% of people throughout their lives suffer from this ailment is not very pleasant - snoring.

Incidentally, the snoring partner is one of the reasons for discord sex couples, and some did thinking about divorce because of outrageously snoring own half.

By the way, irritation of others -

it's so bad. The biggest problem - is that snorer primarily harm their health. Snoring in itself is a precursor and the main symptom of serious diseases, such as: cessation of breathing during sleep (apnea), oxygen deficiency (hypoxia). The latter leads to chronic sleep loss and fatigue. In addition, snoring triggers hormonal changes, metabolic disorders, contributes to the progression of obesity, hypertension, affects the functioning of the heart and can lead to stroke, myocardial infarction, and even ... impotence.

We consider the main causes of snoring and ways to "fight" with him.


Statistics show that by reducing body weight by 10% apnea parameters improved by 50%. Avoid eating before bedtime. Full stomach, diaphragm bends, which can interfere with normal breathing.

Alcohol abuse

Alcohol (as well, and sleeping pills) reduces muscle tone and promotes relaxation of the pharyngeal muscles, which in turn provokes snoring and the disease stops breathing during sleep. So if you drink, do so at least four hours before bedtime (do not laugh - I said "drink" and not get drunk!).


Cigarette smoke irritates the mucous membranes of the nose and throat and can lead to chronic inflammation of the pharynx and trachea, accompanied by a swelling of their walls. This in turn can lead to a narrowing of the airways and increase the risk of stopping breathing during sleep.

Wrong position for sleeping

Do not sleep on their backs. Respiratory disorders are exacerbated greatly in this position. Sleep on your side. There is an interesting way to get himself to sleep on her side. By pajamas (or, as you will sleep there) is sewn pocket, which is closed with a small ball, such as tennis. Once you want to lie down on his back, the ball will wake you (well, really, embarrassing!). As practice shows, a month later produced resistant human reflex to sleep on her side.

Provide elevated head position. It also prevents the retraction of the tongue and increased snoring.

There are still major causes of the causes of snoring, such as: the curvature of the nasal septum, congenital narrowness of the throat and nasal passages, the polyps in the nose, and allergic rhinitis, elongated uvula, malocclusion, enlarged tonsils, decreased thyroid function. But this problem can not cope at home with them to go to a good Laura or endocrinologist.

Treatment for snoring

Treatment of snoring is most effective method of laser therapy. Total for 10-15 minutes at a specialized clinic snorer make the operation painless laser beam, which will get rid of snoring.

There are also non-surgical way to deal with snoring - a device that resembles a normal baby pacifier. It consists of a cup-like petals, on the tongue and rim, and protect against the ingestion of fallout from the mouth. Therapeutic effect of the device is in the reflex stimulation of the tongue and throat muscles, thus increasing the tone of the sky and prevent vibration, eliminating snoring.

U.S. scientists have invented yet another way to deal with snoring - a special vaccination in the soft palate, which is enough for at least 19 months of quiet and restful sleep. According to Dr. Scott Bridle Medical Center Walter Reed, 3 of 4 patients at 1.5 years just forget about snoring. It is worth a cheap vaccine, but minus her that the injection will have to do ... life, ie, each time after its "action".

And finally, a couple of useful exercise that should be done daily:

1. Mouth closed, breathing through the nose. Squeeze the back of the tongue and with force, pull tongue to the throat. Repeat the exercise three times a day for 10-15 times and the soft palate will get stronger, reducing the likelihood of snoring.

2. Pronounce the sound "and" straining muscles pharynx, soft palate, and neck. Repeat the exercise in the morning and evening for 20-25 times.

Follow the above recommendations, and perhaps a few weeks, your half will move at last from the places of "temporary dislocations in a double bed and will not push you in the night in his side, muttering:" Stop snoring! But when will it end? "

Good night!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

What You Should Know About AIDS?

What is AIDS? AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is caused by a specific virus. The virus enters the bloodstream and affects a certain type of white blood cells (lymphocytes), which are an important link in the protective (immune) system of the body. As a result of contamination of a person becomes "helpless" before the microbes and

tumors. The disease develops slowly over several years, the only sign of illness may be swollen lymph nodes. Then start the temperature rise, long-term intestinal disorders, sweating, loss of weight. In the future there are pneumonia, herpes, and pustular skin lesions, sepsis (blood infection), malignancy, predominantly skin. All this leads to the death of the patient.

The diagnosis of AIDS can only install a physician.

How do you get AIDS? A study of several thousand patients registered in the world, found that AIDS virus is transmitted:
- When you have sex with sick or infected with the AIDS virus, often through homosexual contact and promiscuous. Using a condom reduces the risk of infection;
- The use of unsterilized syringes for injections, mostly drug addicts;
- Through the introduction of blood or blood products containing the virus. For example, if a blood transfusion from an infected person. Now introduced a system of testing of donor blood, eliminating this mode of transmission;
- From a pregnant woman infected with AIDS, newborn.

The AIDS virus is not transmitted through the air when speaking, coughing, etc. When using common utensils and other household items, bath tub, swimming pool, etc. can not get AIDS. No cases of AIDS have arisen in household contact or contacts at work. No one health care worker is not infected with AIDS Relief. When staying healthy children and children with AIDS, there were no cases of virus transmission in schools and preschools. Used in health care methods of sterilization of needles and instruments exclude the possibility of transmission of the AIDS virus.

HOW AIDS diagnosed? With the penetration of the AIDS virus in the body arises response - antibody formation. This reaction can be detected by special methods in the study of blood samples. Positive reaction indicates that a person infected with the AIDS virus. In some individuals with a positive reaction in the future to develop AIDS. Others may remain outwardly healthy, but keep the virus in the body and can therefore infect other people. According to the results of the reaction can not tell who is sick and who will only be infected with HIV. Responding to AIDS is held each taking blood donations. Donated blood, which gives a positive reaction, is destroyed.

How to protect yourself from AIDS? Avoid casual sex and sex with homosexuals, drug addicts and those who lead promiscuous. The more sexual partners you have, the higher the risk of contracting AIDS. Condom use reduces the risk of infection. Do not use a random syringes for injections. If you have encountered any suspected contact your doctor. It is important to remember that your behavior is dependent on prevention of AIDS.

Friday, April 15, 2011

How to Live Without Hemorrhoids?

How many of mankind, so - alas! - Suffers from hemorrhoids. And all because of bipedal locomotion - the impact force of gravity makes it difficult venous outflow of blood and provokes its stagnation in the vessels of the lower extremities and pelvis. Drop disgust and imagine the anal canal - the tube, consisting of muscle and connective tissue fibers, pierced veins. Inside it

lined with mucous membrane, covered with wrinkles. So, these folds and have hemorrhoids. It remains only to find out what they actually need.

Go to the toilet - this is certainly an urgent need for any human being, but not constant. Hemorrhoids keep the stool during the rest of the body, and during defecation, they smoothed out, without interfering with the passage of feces. And everything is good, if not one "but." Due to excessive straining nodes can slide down together with the mucous membrane, and has been disrupted circulation, hemorrhoids lumps have grown in size - in fact, hemorrhoids.

Most often, hemorrhoids - is the manifestation of life. "Shamefaced disease" overtakes those who do not move, but a separate category of sufferers - the pregnant woman. (Among them, 41-42% have the disease).

So you have a lot of sitting - in the office at the computer in the shop for a sewing machine, behind a desk accountant or a tax inspector, home for a book or TV. Once an hour Tear off these lessons and make 5-10 minute break for walking. Armchair is better to replace rigid. If the hierarchical position can not change a solid chair, put him on a special pad of wooden beads, as do many motorists in their cars. If you do not want to spoil the view of the workplace similar object beneath the sirloin portion of the wooden plank - her, then certainly no one will see and use will not be less than the expensive devices.

To prevent hemorrhoids, of course, need to strengthen the abdominal muscles, but unfortunately most often we are reminded of this when already show signs of the disease. Therefore, the main thing now - it's food. Do not get involved in flour and milk. And dairy products, - your food. Bran and vegetables, washed down with mineral water without gas - ideal food for hemorrhoids. Enter a rule to drink mineral water three times a day for 1 glass. Enrich the diet of food high in fiber - cabbage, beans, beets, pumpkin, carrots, watermelons, melons, rye bread. But, leaning on the fiber, drink plenty of fluids - up to 2 liters per day, otherwise your diet will only dehydration, and nothing more.

Replace the toilet paper, water - to wash with cool water after each bowel movement. The inhabitants of many eastern countries the percentage incidence of hemorrhoids is much less just because they are taught from childhood to the hygienic procedure.

Needless to say, prevention is a good thing, but what about those who have not saved any diet or physical? Treated. The doctor assigns you pills and lotions. If you lived in America or Europe, he will appoint a minimally invasive therapy - a small operation in the outpatient setting. In our country, this technique does not take root, the surgeons prefer the old fashioned way to send patients to the knife.

And finally, another tip - although this may seem unrealistic, but it is quite possible to "wash away" piles under the shower - enough to make the ascending souls. Water pressure should not be too strong, water - cool water flow is directed upwards in the crotch and front to back. With regular performance of such efforts are bearing fruit.

Many now attend fitness centers, worrying about her figure. But if you have symptoms of the disease, weight training is not for you, avoid as cycling and horse riding. But swimming, gymnastics, walking will fall at an opportune moment.

I wish everybody to find a balance between your lifestyle and care of their mother, a single, favorite television and never get sick of this "sit-in disease." Stay healthy - and so happy!

Monday, April 11, 2011

How to save the youth or the elixir of longevity - We have without cheating ...

We continue our investigative going to the people. And today, people will reveal to us the recipe, whose age is almost five hundred years. It's called "Elixir of Youth," or "tool of breath." In general, I must say, five hundred years - the term obliges us to treat the symmetry recommendations with due deference and submissive trust.

For the preparation of rejuvenating mixture, we need 1 pound of garlic (about 400 grams). If they ask at the store, why do you pound the garlic, say so: for rejuvenating mixture. And then buy 24 lemons, as they would be the second ingredient of our brew. Now you need to grind the garlic, squeeze of lemon and 24 shredded garlic. The resulting composition should be poured into the wide-mouthed jar and leave to infuse for 24 days.

The hardest part, according to the people, all this stuff and then drink. However, if you decide to youth is not joking, drinking is necessary. To do this every day, at bedtime, scoop one teaspoonful and fell asleep on the stove, feel like on our loins of bottled youth. At the end of the reservation that ironic tone of the narrative did not detract from the merits of the above drugs is an excellent prevention of colds, respiratory illnesses and even a number of unpleasant ailments.

Friday, April 1, 2011

How Quickly to Cure a Sore Throat?

And again, on how to get rid of autumn colds. Today, armed with a stick and wrapped up warm, we, for the umpteenth time, will make his going to the people. For, it must be said that the fount of wisdom of the people is truly inexhaustible. And now, we will ask people, how is it that he heals his people's throats from tonsillitis.

I must say that our peasant is a visually stunning vehicle has come from distant Persia. All the complexity of the method for us dummies, will be in the process of catching a large toad, which, in fact, being a toad, and is an excellent voodoo potion.

Procured somewhere big toad, people are usually brought a her closer to her mouth and began often to breathe in her body (that is, doing the little animals kind of "CPR"). From this action, il from anything else, the heart of the toad began to beat hard, and ill people with angina before your eyes it becomes easier, easier, and finally, after 8-10 minutes quite easily.

According to healers, human disease, in this case turns on a toad. Like it or not - try not tackle. However, according to eyewitnesses, after the procedure, a toad, after two or three jumps, each time immediately sent to another world. Is it unfortunate healer accepts a dangerous disease, or because it acts destructively heavy breathing of the people - that the record is silent. And another question remains intractable: the winter, when most of us are just sick and sore throat, you can get life-saving toad? It is better not get sick! And what you want.