
Friday, April 1, 2011

How Quickly to Cure a Sore Throat?

And again, on how to get rid of autumn colds. Today, armed with a stick and wrapped up warm, we, for the umpteenth time, will make his going to the people. For, it must be said that the fount of wisdom of the people is truly inexhaustible. And now, we will ask people, how is it that he heals his people's throats from tonsillitis.

I must say that our peasant is a visually stunning vehicle has come from distant Persia. All the complexity of the method for us dummies, will be in the process of catching a large toad, which, in fact, being a toad, and is an excellent voodoo potion.

Procured somewhere big toad, people are usually brought a her closer to her mouth and began often to breathe in her body (that is, doing the little animals kind of "CPR"). From this action, il from anything else, the heart of the toad began to beat hard, and ill people with angina before your eyes it becomes easier, easier, and finally, after 8-10 minutes quite easily.

According to healers, human disease, in this case turns on a toad. Like it or not - try not tackle. However, according to eyewitnesses, after the procedure, a toad, after two or three jumps, each time immediately sent to another world. Is it unfortunate healer accepts a dangerous disease, or because it acts destructively heavy breathing of the people - that the record is silent. And another question remains intractable: the winter, when most of us are just sick and sore throat, you can get life-saving toad? It is better not get sick! And what you want.

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