
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How to Increase the Body's Resistance Against Colds?

With the onset of cold weather the number of colds and infectious diseases is rapidly increasing. However, some people are much more resistant to colds than others who are beginning to cough and sneeze with the first breath of cold air. How to improve your immune system? Maybe this really only need a bottle of yogurt drink daily? Alas, no! Everything in life is more complicated than in the ad.

1. Vitaminizing. Vitamin most needed to stimulate the body's defenses - is vitamin C. Its deficit is almost inevitably leads to colds. Much vitamin C is found in citrus, kiwi, sweet peppers and other fresh fruits and vegetables. But better still take a multivitamin or extra vitamin C tablets. Another necessary vitamin for immune system - is a B vitamin, found in meat, fish, eggs and cereal.

It is also desirable to consume the following products:

Brewer's yeast. They are very rich in various vitamins and oligo-elements, which increase the immune defense.

Bee pollen (propolis). Bee pollen - this is what the worker bees feed on. It has tonic and regenerative properties, strengthens the immune system well. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, nuclide acids and enzymes. Propolis - this is the same as bee pollen, but processed in order to feed the queen bee. Propolis helps bee pollen to lay millions of eggs and live much longer than usual bee. It contains the same active ingredients as bee pollen, but to a much greater degree.

Sea cabbage. Life on earth came from ocean. Laminaria contains chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals. It strengthens the endocrine, nervous and immune systems, regulates metabolism, purifies blood, contributes to the regeneration of tissues.

2. Douche the nose with seawater. Usually ready to spray with sea water is used to treat a cold. But at least they are useful for prevention of colds, colds and viral diseases. Need to squirt the nose twice a day - morning and evening.

3. Wash your hands often. The viruses that cause colds, it is extremely contagious. And they often passed through his hands. Viruses are present in excess in public places and live on the surface of objects for hours. Suffice it to bring the contaminated hand to your nose and inhale to get a virus in your body.

4. Dress warmly, as soon as it became cold. If you have cold hands or feet, the blood just rushes to the extremities to warm them. Other parts of the body at this time receive less blood, and hence less protective blood cells, able to withstand the viral aggression. In particularly cold weather is useful to close your mouth and nose with a scarf. This is for a reason: safety bodies function best at temperatures around 37 degrees. When inhaled, icy air temperature decreases respiratory tract of up to 30 degrees, which means that the immune system is significantly reduced.

5. , Eat iron. Sometimes, frequent colds are directly linked to iron deficiency in the body. If you consume enough iron, your cells become starved of oxygen, which slows down metabolism. Iron deficiency is usually manifested in the form of fatigue, pallor and weakness. Most multivitamins contain about 18 mg of iron. You can get more if you eat 3 times a day, foods rich in iron: dark meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. These foods also contain large amounts of zinc - an element necessary for the production of white cells, also protects the body from disease.

6. Get plenty of rest. It is clear that a tired and weakened body less resistant to disease successfully. So plenty of rest, more sleep, walk in the fresh air and avoid stress.

7. Do not eat too much high-calorie foods. The trend is that people in the cold season they eat more calories than in summer. It's like trying to diet to protect yourself from the cold. Be careful: the excess calories and weight harass and weaken the body. A surplus of sweet and fat reduces the body's immune defense.

8. Do not overheat your home. Dry air dries out the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and makes them more vulnerable to infections. Keep the room temperature at 20 degrees and often ventilate it. Good idea to purchase a humidifier. Also negative, as dry air, operates in the nasopharynx smoking, including passive and smoke inhalation.

9. Take echinacea. Useful properties of this plant has long immunostimulating scientifically proven and tested. It's safe to say that echinacea can increase the body's resistance to respiratory infections, including influenza before. Echinacea is not toxic and has no side effects. With the onset of cold weather are advised to take echinacea for 10 days every month. During the winter months or the beginning of a flu epidemic - 20 days a month. Echinacea in tincture form taking 50 drops three times a day, in the form of tablets or capsules - to 325 mg daily.

How to protect yourself from the flu

One should not confuse ordinary course of the nose and sore throat with a "real" flu, which usually manifests itself in a rapid and strong increase in temperature, aching bones and headaches. Influenza can lead to very serious complications, often with fatal consequences. During epidemics will help to protect themselves from infection receive antiviral drugs. But the best protection against flu, along with the strengthening of immunity - vaccination. Vaccination should be immediately with the onset of cold weather, because the vaccine takes effect only after 10-15 days after vaccination, and often the influenza epidemic begins in November. It is particularly important to vaccinate children up to age five are infected with flu by about one child in three, whereas in adults - one out of ten.

1 comment:

  1. thank you i search about this from long times , please i will translate this topic , do you accept ?
