
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How To Heal Yourself From The Flu?

Drugs are really effective against the influenza virus and thus safe, no. Therefore, symptomatic treatment of influenza, ie, doctor at a high temperature encourages antipyretic drugs, with a cold - a vasoconstrictor nasal drops, etc.

Fervex and Naiza - drugs of similar action. But the drug Naiza in no case be given to children under 12 years (and it is used primarily to treat arthritis and in surgical practice), containing paracetamol Fervex (child form) is prescribed for children from 6 years.

To reduce temperature in children is used only drug - acetaminophen (brand names - Efferalgan, Kalpol, etc.). Antipyretic drugs prescribed for the flu with a temperature above 38-38,5 degrees, as to these values - a protective reaction of the body, aimed at destroying the virus. The temperature during the flu long - up to 2 weeks (if no complications).

For colds and flu, doctors recommend to drink more. But what to drink? What is the best help the body cope with the disease? I will give you a few recipes of drinks that are recommended in folk medicine in this case.

1. Drink from the hips. Per liter of cold water to take 5 tablespoons of berries. Crush, add water, boil for 10 minutes. Then wrap up the dishes and press for about 10 hours. Infusion filter. Drink in the morning one glass every 2-3 hours during the day. If you want a sweet drink with honey, jam, sugar. Need to drink this infusion of at least a week, gradually reducing the dose.

2. Lipa with snowball. Prepare a mixture of lime flowers and berries, viburnum in a 1:1 ratio. Two tablespoons of mixture to fill two cups of boiling water and boil for five to ten minutes, then strain. Drink a hot drink at night for 1-2 cups.

3. Raspberries. Used in various collections, as well as separately. Raspberry juice with sugar - a refreshing drink well at high temperatures. To prepare the drink a tablespoon of fruit to make a glass of boiled water, 20 minutes. Drink a glass of hot infusion 2 times per day.

4. Lipa with raspberries. Prepare a mixture of equal ratio of the fruit of raspberry and lime flowers. Tablespoon of the mixture to make a glass of boiled water, 20 minutes, drain. Drink a glass of hot infusion at night as a diaphoretic.

5. Raspberry and honey. Mix 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. hips spoon, 1 tbsp. spoonful of raspberries, 1 tbsp. spoon currants. The mixture is poured 100 ml of boiling water and infuse for 15 minutes. Drink 3 times a day for half a cup before eating.

Nor can take antibiotics and sulfa drugs if you were not prescribed by a doctor. Potent antipyretics, of which at pharmacies - the sea and are heavily advertised on television, you should take great care - only if the temperature is very high. If the temperature is decreased or did not initially exceed 38 degrees, of the administration of antipyretic drugs is better to abstain altogether.

In addition, patients with influenza should be in clean, ventilated area on a daily basis, and in any case not "treated" with the help of alcohol!

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