
Sunday, May 29, 2011

How to Deal With Allergies in the Winter?

The most severe allergies manifested in the spring when the trees begin to blossom, into the air a lot of pollen. About it all know and are accustomed to, beware of it in the spring, not noticing the allergies in the winter, writing off even clear its symptoms to other causes, such as colds. Meanwhile, in the winter we live in a very uncomfortable environment. All windows and doors tightly shut, the room is accumulated mass of dust, and after house dust - it is simply the repository of allergens.

Manifestation of allergenic properties of the dust observed in 17 century. She is constantly hanging in the air, and if they lie, then it may cock up at the slightest breath or draft. What is there not in it! Paper and textile portage, animal dander and hair people, flakes, insects, cockroaches everyone there, but the worst thing that it is a habitat for mites. They are invisible to the eye, and one gram of dust can contain up to several thousand ticks. Small fragments of dead mites, and, especially, their feces are a powerful allergen. Place the greatest concentration of mites are our bed - a place where we are in a dream one-third of our lives, most closely interacting with these lovely creatures.

But not only the mites cause allergic reactions. Dust fault in itself. It is especially dangerous if a family has pets: cats, dogs, hamsters, parakeets. Frankly, in the house, even dangerous to keep an aquarium, a dry feed for fish - a very strong allergen. I'm not talking about cockroaches - dry flakes of their chitinous bodies even more dangerous. Fight them! Often a source of pollen and mold are the home colors. So that they are not just good. But the most dangerous allergen is tobacco smoke. As you read this sentence in the world died from tobacco smoke at least five people. Ministry of Health in vain to warn will not. Particularly susceptible to secondhand smoke are children. Up to 30% of cases of allergy triggered by passive smoking.

Development of the disease contribute to poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, misuse of drugs. Because of all this, one begins to respond even to those allergens that have always existed, but did not have before so depressing effects.

How to deal with them? Remove from the floor and wall carpets - are the real batteries dust. Often spend a wet cleaning. Wash your clothes at a temperature of 60-70 degrees, do not listen to his uncle with the new "Tide", it will not save you from ticks. Mites can not withstand not only high but also low temperature - 10 degrees when they die. Desirable that both the humidity in the room was not higher than 50%. Very well help in the fight against mites vacuums with special filters (like filters, HEPA), cleaners and steam vacuum cleaners. Conventional vacuum cleaners are ineffective.

Which means offers medicine for the treatment, or at least remove the allergy symptoms? It has long been known for such drugs as suprastin, pipolfen, tavegil, diphenhydramine, diazolin. Personally, I'm from taking these drugs irresistibly drawn to sleep. There are more new ones: Claritin, zirtek, Kestin. These differ from the first long duration of action and lack of sleeping pills and other side effects. To treat the same serious and long-term allergies must consult a doctor.

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