
Monday, July 25, 2011

Educating Children and Protection from Stress

Any stress: physical (competition, hard work) or psychological (exams, unrequited love, death of loved ones, etc.) may cause manifestations of diabetes mellitus type 1.

Therefore, it is recommended to educate children in the Epicurean. (Epicurus - the ancient philosopher, who taught his students equanimity (not indifference to the environment, not indifference, and equanimity), steadfast to the great joy or sorrow, his ability to hold in any vital collisions.).

Therefore, the main line of bringing up children - education based on the principles of Epicureanism. Also to develop resistance to stress is necessary to:

Improvement of the parents (early treatment of various diseases, getting rid of anger, anger, irritability, jealousy, deceit, cruelty, profanity), exclusion of bad habits, good nutrition, creating a favorable psychological climate in the family formation sanogennykh thinking - thinking that promotes health (ie positive thoughts), parents and children in health.

Increase self-esteem of the child. Educating the children's ability to resolve conflicts peacefully, to adapt to new environmental conditions, be patient, polite, calm, self-reliant.

Parents should know that there are three critical ages of diabetes mellitus type 1 (juvenile diabetes), when the increased risk of contracting the disease.

The first critical age - 4-7 years. These years have the first peak of disease, especially if the kid went to kindergarten or school.

In this age period immunity is only beginning to defend themselves against viruses and bacteria. Up to 2 years to protect children from infectious agents, maternal antibodies, especially if he was breastfed. That is the advantage and why it is useful to this type of feeding.

In kindergarten and school, where there is large amounts of children, the child begins to ache more often, especially viral infections. And as mentioned earlier, the viruses can cause the development of diabetes in · people predisposed to the disease.

The second critical period - 10-14 years. This is the age of accelerated growth, sexual development due to hormonal changes. Body, especially hormonal organs, including pancreas, "pass a test of strength." And so sensitive and prone to adverse effects.

The third critical period - 20-29. During this period, provoking the development of diabetes factors are stress, mental and physical overload, addiction to bad habits (smoking, alcohol, nicotine).

For adults it is also important to learn to resist stress and adversity in life. This will help the following tips:

1. We need to change something that you can change and accept fate as something that can not be changed while. It is important to remember that in this world no one owes nothing to! And you should never close the door if not open another!

2. Develop the positive attitude to everything going on. In all, even the most negative, the event must be able to find benefits for themselves.

3. Learning to live for today and enjoy every day.

4. Do not be offended by fate. It is important to remember that could be much worse.

5. Avoid unpleasant people. If you have to communicate with people too much to bear, we should be glad that you do not like them.

6. It should be self-esteem and worry less about what others think.

7. A little more to communicate with interesting people. Learn the skills of communication.

8. Organize your life so as not to waste time in vain.

9. Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

10. Do not harass others because of what you can do yourself.

11. We must always remember that pride costs us more than hunger and cold.

12. It should be remembered, how much suffering caused sadness that never happened.

13. Accept all things with the easy part.

14. You should always plan their lives.

And a few more tips Antistress. It should be:

1. Try to get up 15 minutes earlier than usual.

2. Try to prepare everything in advance the previous evening. Decide what to breakfast. Cook breakfast. Get clothes, which was scheduled to wear.

3. Do not rely on your memory. All record. "The very pale ink better than a good memory" (Chinese proverb).

4. Do not do anything because of what will lie in the future.

5. Make copies of all keys. House key to hide in a secret location in the yard. Wearing a spare car key in your wallet.

6. Keep equipment in order. This will help avoid damaging the machine, household appliances, computers at the most inopportune moment.

7. Always be prepared for what will have to wait. Once in the queue, time flies faster if you do not forget to take the book out of the house.

8. Procrastination - a way to stress. Regardless of what you want to do tomorrow, do it today.

9. Plan ahead. Do not allow the fuel tank become empty less than a quarter of the volume. Keep a full supply of needed items on the "shelf danger." Do not wait until the end salt, bread, cereals, medicines, self control, etc.

10. Do not use what is not working properly. If the shoe sprung a leak, replace it, especially for patients with neuropathy and diabetic foot).

11. Come to a meeting for 15 minutes before the appointed time. An appointment with the doctor, study, airport or train station to plan to arrive in advance.

12. Do not forget to unforeseen situations, so to speak, just in case.

13. Be an optimist! On one account trouble 10-100 pleasant surprises. Count on them!

14. Others ask questions. Sometimes it helps to save time.

15. Say "No" if there is no certainty that something can be done.

16. Our needs - food, water and heat retention. The rest - the preferences. Do not forget about it.

17. Communicate with calm people. Nervousness is contagious.

18. Divide your break for a few if it is sedentary work.

19. Sleep as much as the body needs. Raise the alarm for a time to go to bed.

20. Every thing must have its place. Lost things can cause stress.

21. Control your body. If the abdominal muscles are tense, and breathing - deep, to relax and breathe deeply and slowly.

22. Record their thoughts and feelings on paper. This will help clarify the problem.

23. Visualize success before any trial. For example, an exam or a first date, which is very relevant today. Imagine all the good will.

24. Talk about their problems with each other. This will help.

25. Avoid places and people that interested.

26. Every day do something that causes pleasure.

27. Add a little love for what is being done.

28. Take as much as possible a bath or shower to relieve tension.

29. Bring benefit to someone every day.

30. Focus on how to love, rather than to be loved.

31. More rest between carrying out any problems.

32. Be flexible. Some things you should not finish until the end.

33. Forget words like "I'm too fat," "I'm too old," etc. Do not tell them!

34. Change the tempo at the weekend. If the past week was slow, it is important to be active!

35. Allocate time during the day for their own retirement, when you can sit quietly and think.

36. Do unpleasant tasks early and enjoy the rest of the day.

37. Do not forget diet. During the meal enjoy food and completely forget about the worries.

38. Forgive people! Recognize that we live in an imperfect world.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How Dangerous Alcohol to A Growing Body?

Remember, as Marshak wrote:

"For drinking there are reasons:
Wake, meeting, celebration, farewell,
Baptisms, weddings and divorce,
Frost, hunting, New Year,
Recovery, new home,
Sadness, remorse, joy,
The success of the reward, the new rank.
And just drinking, for no reason! "

These words reflect the well-established custom, we celebrate every little bit significant life event. Gradually drawn into the drinking man with his head and begins to try to discover all new reasons to drink. Personally, I just plunges into shock propagation adolescent and youth alcoholism. Of particular danger is a wide promotion of beer among young people. At first glance it safe, this drink is very subtly starts to teach a young body to the regular use of alcohol. And start a movement on an inclined plane ...

The most serious consequences for human alcohol is at the stage of the embryo in the first days and months of its existence, when laid major organs and systems of the future organism. The loss of even a few cells at an early stage of embryo development in the future may turn immaturity of some authority, and may even lead to deformity and anomalies. Even quite minor pregnant woman drinking necessarily leads to abnormalities in fetal development.

Mistakenly believe that alcohol defects should always be visible appearance of the child. Most of them appear on the internal organs and can often be identified only several years after birth. For example, the underdevelopment of the cerebral cortex, congenital heart defects, mental retardation.

In recent years, medicine has accumulated a wealth of information confirming the fact that the backlog of physical and mental development of children whose fathers drink alcohol regularly. As we see, not only the woman should think about the health of the unborn child. Unfortunately, most young people do not even know about the dangers of alcohol so much for posterity. French doctors have analyzed the development of children whose fathers have some time do not drink alcohol. And they came to the optimistic conclusion that the conception and birth of a healthy baby full man and woman must completely give up alcohol for at least 2-3 years.

Let us return to our youth. For a growing body alcohol poisoning is especially serious consequences. First, the protective systems in a child or young person had not yet formed, so thrombosis and cell death from oxygen starvation in the developing organism is much more intense than in adults. Withdrawal of alcohol toxins is much slower.

Secondly, this organism is still under development, which means that an intense cell division to build organs and tissues. As a result of alcohol poisoning, the body needs these cells inevitably die, and thus entail some vital structures of the body that have been programmed at the genetic level. From this it follows that the younger the organism, the more dangerous for him alcohol.

Increasingly, young people are already at the age of 30 years suffer from diseases of the stomach, liver, cardiovascular system, neuroses and disorders of the sexual sphere, appearing on the background of alcoholic beverages. The effects of alcohol are equally favorable for all systems and organs, and often diseases occur suddenly, amid the apparent prosperity.

Danger and deceit effects of alcohol on a young body give reason to call it genocide, weapons, undermining and weakening the gene pool of humanity. Because of this weapon can be seen in the conquest of America. It was enough to teach the Indians to "fire water," continued not long in coming: a large number of Indians at the present time?

What are we going next?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Can Smoking Be Useful?

Tobacco was introduced to Europe from South America in the 16th century. Despite existing in his time smoking prohibitions by the Church and State, tobacco smoking has become a common habit among the European population.

The composition of smoke is complex. It identified about 500 substances. But the main pharmacologically active substance is nicotine (acute effects) and resin (chronic effects).

Known about the small number of diseases that develop in smokers less likely than non-smokers!

These include: toxemia of pregnancy, postoperative pulmonary embolism (blockage of blood vessels - a dangerous complication), Parkinson's disease, ulcerative colitis, Alzheimer's disease (smokers never develop!). Also, the frequency of endometrial cancer is slightly lower in smokers than in nonsmokers. Still, it should be emphasized that these minor beneficial effects can not be compared with the risk stemming from the constant smoking.

Everyone knows that smoking causes the most severe forms of disease:

 Lung, larynx, oral cavity, kidney, pancreas and bladder.
 Myocardial infarction.
 Peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
 Chronic tooth decay.
 Pulmonary tuberculosis.
 Skin diseases.
 Rare form of blindness.

The list is endless. Of course, these diseases are found in non-smokers. But statistics show that the risk of the disease in smokers is 10 times more! In 9 out of 10 hard-core smokers (smoked 2 packs a day), myocardial infarction!

Many non-smokers exposed to tobacco smoke, inhale as his home, in public places, bus, at work, where there are smokers. This is called passive smoking. Passive smoking is less dangerous to health, but also can be addictive!

According to WHO, the effects of chronic nicotine poisoning each year prematurely give up their lives for at least 2500000 people. This number continues to grow every year. Think about the health ...

Every cigarette you smoke may be the last ...

Is There Any Real Threat of Contracting Cholera?

At the present time, according to World Health Organization, cholera is recorded on almost all continents of the world. Constant and real threat of importation of cholera into the territory of Russia there.

Cholera - is the oldest intestinal infection, occasionally extending to many countries in the past and kill millions of human lives.

Historical and current to today's hotbeds of cholera are the areas of river basins of the Ganges and Brahmaputra in India, parts of Pakistan and countries in Southeast Asia, where a combination of climatic, geographical and social factors determined the formation and establishment of the infection.

From 1816 to seven stories describe the devastating pandemics of cholera. All the pandemic began in India and took over many countries. It was only during the fifth pandemic (1883-1896 years), German bacteriologist Koch opened the cholera - Vibrio cholerae classical. Procession of the seventh pandemic began in 1861. During this period, the classical cholera vibrio was replaced by Vibrio El Tor.

In 2006 the world had registered 151 318 cases of cholera, died 4575 people

Cholera is a group of acute intestinal diseases, which infects only humans. Cholera - vibrio. Outside the human body Vibrio cholerae are unstable.

The source of infection is a sick person or vibriocarrier, which provides the agent with the feces, contaminating the environment. Portal of entry is the gastrointestinal tract, where the pathogen enters with infected water or food. Possible contact-household transmission through infected Vibrio household items. Different foods can be stored Vibrio cholerae from 9 to 30 days, and in waters up to eleven months.

The incubation period for cholera patients from the moment of infection until the onset of clinical signs of disease, lasting from several hours to 5 days (usually 1-2 days). The disease can cause mild, to severe, life-threatening form.

The disease begins with the appearance of acute watery stools, vomiting, malaise, weakness, light fever, dizziness and sometimes a slight increase in body temperature to subfebrile figures. Patients complain of a feeling of dry mouth and thirst (but only increases the liquid drunk vomiting). The stools of the patient in the early hours can have fecal character, but quickly become colorless, watery, and resemble in appearance rice water.

A characteristic feature of cholera is loss of fluids from diarrhea and vomiting. In the short term (one and a half to two days) the patient is losing up to 30-40 liters of fluid, which leads to dramatic shifts in water-salt balance. A quick pronounced dehydration is life threatening. There is dehydration, which, without urgent specific treatment can lead to death.

If signs of disease should call a doctor, but before he took none of the people in the apartment of the sick should not come out of it. The patient was hospitalized, and all who associated with him, are tested (if necessary, subject to preventive hospitalization).

The most effective measure to protect themselves and loved ones of cholera is a strict adherence to measures of personal hygiene and prevention. Needed:

- Frequently and thoroughly wash hands with soap before preparing food, before eating, after using the toilet;
- Protect against contamination of food products, to comply with the terms and temperature of storage;
- Fruits and vegetables consumed after thorough washing with running, and then boiled water;
- Used for drinking water only quality-assured, preferably purified by means of filters, or boiled;
- Refuse to buy products from trays placed on the street;
- If you swim in open water not swallow water;
- Not self-medicate and when the first signs of the disease go to the doctor, remembering that the sooner treatment is started, the less risk to the health of the patient and those around him.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Is It Possible To Guard Against Head Lice?

Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, cases in children, adolescents and even adults found lice are still found. And it brings a lot of trouble and anxiety. One wonders why the problem still remains? After all, we have everything to prevent lice - soap, hot water, irons, etc.

The main causes of head lice:

decreased attention to personal hygiene, cleanliness of the body, clothing  violation of hygienic rules  migration.
Infection often occurs in hotels, trains and rented apartments in mattresses and pillows (only one they have not slept, and a health certificate for all users no one needs).

Louse loves clean hair and body and not afraid of water. It swims well, so you can catch head lice and the pool and bathhouse, and in open water. Lice do not fly, can not jump, but very fast runners. Enough moments to louse quickly moved from "on its head."

The main source of infection - the patient lice man. Infection is possible through direct contact with him or indirect way - through the things and objects, which were lice.

Most people buying a new thing, it was not necessary to extend before you wear, regardless, she bought in a store or market. Things we can not extend (ie, coat) must be dried in air (preferably on a sunny day) and then ironed.

Lice - parasitic infectious disease caused by blood-sucking insects - head lice. In the world's fauna are more than 150 species of lice. In humans are parasites of three kinds: clothes, head and pubic.

Largest - clothes, lives in the folds of linen and clothes. Parent lives in the hair on my head, but can pass on hair eyebrows, beard and mustache. Crablouse live in pubic hair, genitals and lower abdomen firmly attached to the base of hair and skin. Most other common head lice.

Lice - vectors of typhus fever, severe illness, which does not always end happily.

The main sign of lice - itching due to strong biting lice, provoking scratching the skin. At the first sign of head lice should immediately contact the medical facility. For the prevention of head lice is necessary to observe good personal hygiene and education that children in early childhood.

Remember how many times your parents, and then you yourself, being late for work, combed her child her hairbrush? This is fixed in memory, stereotype behavior remains for life. And what wonder then, when someone is using a comb or a friend or girlfriend wears a strange hat?

So from an early age to teach children what a toothbrush, towel, underwear and other personal items should be at everyone. Over time, all this is a habit, and you will all be spared from the many worries and disappointments.

Once or twice a week, you should carefully examine the hair. Detect head lice is simple: the hair at the temples and back of the head is firmly seated whitish balls. They should not be confused with dandruff. And if all that you have discovered, be sure to warn those who have been in contact with you. After so many lice begins to "walk" on people because of what we are ashamed to talk about it. In your own interest to avoid it.

Any disease, including lice, always has an adverse effect on the psyche. There's no tragedy if you suddenly contracted lice. This is the same disease, as well as any other. Should forget the old and no unfounded prejudice that lice - satellites homeless people, refugees and street children. Research shows conventional thinking wrong. But the fight against this scourge - the duty of every one of us.

If you find contamination does not need to use kerosene or dusts, especially in children. Haircut nalyso also not necessary. Need to buy in the drugstore and apply funds strictly according to instructions. These funds destroy live lice and nits comb combed, wearing a cotton swab dipped in vinegar. Bedding and clothing should be washed and ironed.

Compliance with the measures of personal prophylaxis prevents you from lice - an unpleasant and contagious disease.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How to Increase the Body's Resistance Against Colds?

With the onset of cold weather the number of colds and infectious diseases is rapidly increasing. However, some people are much more resistant to colds than others who are beginning to cough and sneeze with the first breath of cold air. How to improve your immune system? Maybe this really only need a bottle of yogurt drink daily? Alas, no! Everything in life is more complicated than in the ad.

1. Vitaminizing. Vitamin most needed to stimulate the body's defenses - is vitamin C. Its deficit is almost inevitably leads to colds. Much vitamin C is found in citrus, kiwi, sweet peppers and other fresh fruits and vegetables. But better still take a multivitamin or extra vitamin C tablets. Another necessary vitamin for immune system - is a B vitamin, found in meat, fish, eggs and cereal.

It is also desirable to consume the following products:

Brewer's yeast. They are very rich in various vitamins and oligo-elements, which increase the immune defense.

Bee pollen (propolis). Bee pollen - this is what the worker bees feed on. It has tonic and regenerative properties, strengthens the immune system well. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, nuclide acids and enzymes. Propolis - this is the same as bee pollen, but processed in order to feed the queen bee. Propolis helps bee pollen to lay millions of eggs and live much longer than usual bee. It contains the same active ingredients as bee pollen, but to a much greater degree.

Sea cabbage. Life on earth came from ocean. Laminaria contains chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals. It strengthens the endocrine, nervous and immune systems, regulates metabolism, purifies blood, contributes to the regeneration of tissues.

2. Douche the nose with seawater. Usually ready to spray with sea water is used to treat a cold. But at least they are useful for prevention of colds, colds and viral diseases. Need to squirt the nose twice a day - morning and evening.

3. Wash your hands often. The viruses that cause colds, it is extremely contagious. And they often passed through his hands. Viruses are present in excess in public places and live on the surface of objects for hours. Suffice it to bring the contaminated hand to your nose and inhale to get a virus in your body.

4. Dress warmly, as soon as it became cold. If you have cold hands or feet, the blood just rushes to the extremities to warm them. Other parts of the body at this time receive less blood, and hence less protective blood cells, able to withstand the viral aggression. In particularly cold weather is useful to close your mouth and nose with a scarf. This is for a reason: safety bodies function best at temperatures around 37 degrees. When inhaled, icy air temperature decreases respiratory tract of up to 30 degrees, which means that the immune system is significantly reduced.

5. , Eat iron. Sometimes, frequent colds are directly linked to iron deficiency in the body. If you consume enough iron, your cells become starved of oxygen, which slows down metabolism. Iron deficiency is usually manifested in the form of fatigue, pallor and weakness. Most multivitamins contain about 18 mg of iron. You can get more if you eat 3 times a day, foods rich in iron: dark meat, fish, poultry, and eggs. These foods also contain large amounts of zinc - an element necessary for the production of white cells, also protects the body from disease.

6. Get plenty of rest. It is clear that a tired and weakened body less resistant to disease successfully. So plenty of rest, more sleep, walk in the fresh air and avoid stress.

7. Do not eat too much high-calorie foods. The trend is that people in the cold season they eat more calories than in summer. It's like trying to diet to protect yourself from the cold. Be careful: the excess calories and weight harass and weaken the body. A surplus of sweet and fat reduces the body's immune defense.

8. Do not overheat your home. Dry air dries out the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and makes them more vulnerable to infections. Keep the room temperature at 20 degrees and often ventilate it. Good idea to purchase a humidifier. Also negative, as dry air, operates in the nasopharynx smoking, including passive and smoke inhalation.

9. Take echinacea. Useful properties of this plant has long immunostimulating scientifically proven and tested. It's safe to say that echinacea can increase the body's resistance to respiratory infections, including influenza before. Echinacea is not toxic and has no side effects. With the onset of cold weather are advised to take echinacea for 10 days every month. During the winter months or the beginning of a flu epidemic - 20 days a month. Echinacea in tincture form taking 50 drops three times a day, in the form of tablets or capsules - to 325 mg daily.

How to protect yourself from the flu

One should not confuse ordinary course of the nose and sore throat with a "real" flu, which usually manifests itself in a rapid and strong increase in temperature, aching bones and headaches. Influenza can lead to very serious complications, often with fatal consequences. During epidemics will help to protect themselves from infection receive antiviral drugs. But the best protection against flu, along with the strengthening of immunity - vaccination. Vaccination should be immediately with the onset of cold weather, because the vaccine takes effect only after 10-15 days after vaccination, and often the influenza epidemic begins in November. It is particularly important to vaccinate children up to age five are infected with flu by about one child in three, whereas in adults - one out of ten.