
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How To Heal Yourself From The Flu?

Drugs are really effective against the influenza virus and thus safe, no. Therefore, symptomatic treatment of influenza, ie, doctor at a high temperature encourages antipyretic drugs, with a cold - a vasoconstrictor nasal drops, etc.

Fervex and Naiza - drugs of similar action. But the drug Naiza in no case be given to children under 12 years (and it is used primarily to treat arthritis and in surgical practice), containing paracetamol Fervex (child form) is prescribed for children from 6 years.

To reduce temperature in children is used only drug - acetaminophen (brand names - Efferalgan, Kalpol, etc.). Antipyretic drugs prescribed for the flu with a temperature above 38-38,5 degrees, as to these values - a protective reaction of the body, aimed at destroying the virus. The temperature during the flu long - up to 2 weeks (if no complications).

For colds and flu, doctors recommend to drink more. But what to drink? What is the best help the body cope with the disease? I will give you a few recipes of drinks that are recommended in folk medicine in this case.

1. Drink from the hips. Per liter of cold water to take 5 tablespoons of berries. Crush, add water, boil for 10 minutes. Then wrap up the dishes and press for about 10 hours. Infusion filter. Drink in the morning one glass every 2-3 hours during the day. If you want a sweet drink with honey, jam, sugar. Need to drink this infusion of at least a week, gradually reducing the dose.

2. Lipa with snowball. Prepare a mixture of lime flowers and berries, viburnum in a 1:1 ratio. Two tablespoons of mixture to fill two cups of boiling water and boil for five to ten minutes, then strain. Drink a hot drink at night for 1-2 cups.

3. Raspberries. Used in various collections, as well as separately. Raspberry juice with sugar - a refreshing drink well at high temperatures. To prepare the drink a tablespoon of fruit to make a glass of boiled water, 20 minutes. Drink a glass of hot infusion 2 times per day.

4. Lipa with raspberries. Prepare a mixture of equal ratio of the fruit of raspberry and lime flowers. Tablespoon of the mixture to make a glass of boiled water, 20 minutes, drain. Drink a glass of hot infusion at night as a diaphoretic.

5. Raspberry and honey. Mix 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. hips spoon, 1 tbsp. spoonful of raspberries, 1 tbsp. spoon currants. The mixture is poured 100 ml of boiling water and infuse for 15 minutes. Drink 3 times a day for half a cup before eating.

Nor can take antibiotics and sulfa drugs if you were not prescribed by a doctor. Potent antipyretics, of which at pharmacies - the sea and are heavily advertised on television, you should take great care - only if the temperature is very high. If the temperature is decreased or did not initially exceed 38 degrees, of the administration of antipyretic drugs is better to abstain altogether.

In addition, patients with influenza should be in clean, ventilated area on a daily basis, and in any case not "treated" with the help of alcohol!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

How to Get Rid of Any Disease and Regain Healthy?

Unfortunately, most people have absolutely no culture of healthy lifestyles.

People eat that horrible, alcoholic beverages, smoke, almost no one involved in sports, do not drive away harmful thoughts.

We never have enough time to do a favorite (oops).

Few people pay attention to the signals the body when it is at the first sign of disease so notify the owner in different ways (fatigue, tingling, spasms, shortness of breath, cough, discomfort).

We often shrugs off these messages, and only when the disease is already apparent in all its glory, we suddenly some free time. And we like mad by doctors, praying all the saints, tried to lead a healthy lifestyle. But once the disease is slightly released, we immediately begin to relax and live as before.

But in fact, any disease - is our best friend and assistant. Every ailment tells us valuable information: "Do not go there, eat it, thought!". But we often do not think, and pills suppress your body and continue and continue to move in the wrong direction.

So, what is the present health and on which it depends?

A depends on the health of every person just from two factors.

1. Person's thoughts, his ideas and feelings.
2. That surrounds a person and one way or another gets in his body.

Yes, all right, man's thoughts, his ideas and feelings are in first place on the significance of effects on the human body. It was only in second place is the environment, consumption of food and air.

Much more likely that you live a healthy and vigorous life, if you become to think positively, stop being angry and hurt on every occasion, and you will clearly see your near-and long-life purpose.

Very high probability of occurrence of diseases of the body may occur due to rejection of himself. Almost all the people that do not like something in itself, is not satisfied with the appearance or certain character traits. This is a very frequent cause of various diseases.

Also, often the disease, illness and depression may mean that you do not have specific goals in life. That is, you do not know what exactly you want out of life. Just sleep, eat, walk to work and watch TV. And even if you read many of psychological and developmental literature, it does not mean that you have clear goals in life.

But if you think you set a goal stupid, and life is still all happen as laid down by fate, then try to do it at least for the sake of the experiment.

Of course, there are thousands of options causes you have a disease. And here do not necessarily look for the answer in books or online. Better counselor than your own body, you will not find anywhere else.

There is a very simple and accessible to everyone a way to understand the cause of his disease or infirmity. All the events of our life (and disease among them) we create ourselves. "No, I do not want me to have had the disease" - you say. Or: "I never wanted it to happened to me this trouble."

You think so, because I do not understand how this principle. For example, you're terribly tired at work, you are all tired, there is no free minutes. And you're heart says: "As I got sick of it all, so you want to relax!". The subconscious mind accepts your desire in their own way and decides to give you rest. You "accidentally" catches a cold, and with a clear conscience can afford to relax.

So, what is needed to determine the cause of your illness? To do this you need to display information about the illness from the subconscious to the conscious. One need only ask ourselves: "Why do I need this disease? What I want to say that my body? "And listen closely to him. The answer may come immediately or appear in the next few days. But it will appear. The answer is inside each person. If you do not get or do not want to receive a reply, it means that you are comfortable to date with your disease and you do not want to change anything.

If you are not yet fully understood how to communicate with your subconscious, there is a wonderful exercise, proper execution of which can save you from any illness.

 1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable place for you. Relax. Can close your eyes. Think about what's bothering you. Now ask your subconscious mind, why have you experienced this disease. How to ask the subconscious? And just as you ask anyone. Just ask a question. The first thought that comes to you in the head, and there is a subconscious response. Memorize it. The answer need not be one.
 2. Now set the subconscious mind the following question: "Why do I need this disease, and I want to say to yourself this disease?"
 3. Next question: "What do I need to do to get rid of this disease?"

Do not worry about the fact that you have never communicated with his subconscious. This exercise is obtained from any and all people. And this action is not even required to call the communication with the subconscious. Can you name it, for example, "dialogue with oneself." In fact, you already know why you have this disease occurred, and how you can get rid of it. You just need to wish to know this information and it will open to you once.

Do you want to entirely give up medicine, you ask? No, it does not need to do this. But contact a doctor and take pills to be only when help is needed urgently, and a positive attitude and work on yourself you do not instantly change (bleeding, fracture, emergency surgery).

After overcoming the crisis must own, operate over their thoughts, understand, why you are having this situation. After all, nothing happens by accident. Every unpleasant incident, accident, injury, even a scratch display some of your wrong thoughts and deeds. And referring to the doctors, do not change their minds, you are preparing the ground for another of the unpleasant event.

Therefore, take care of your health, love yourself and your body, and you will always be full of health and energy.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How To Help Your Joints?

Our bones "suspended" on the set of joints. Stifle. Hip joints. Joints of fingers and toes ...

Joints are necessary in order for us to make movements, but, as with any mechanism, moving parts - the weakest link. Nature, of course, tried that, we lived happily ever after, but in the course of our life we are constantly wears your body. Joints are no exception. The disease develops gradually, over a lifetime. And over time, discomfort in the joints, which can be attributed to fatigue, a sedentary lifestyle, changes in weather can lead to very real illness.

The end of the bones converge in the joint capsule. The outer layer of bags is made up of fibrous tissue - a kind of protective capsule. The joint is supported by ligaments. Articular end of the bones are covered with an elastic cartilage. Lubrication between moving parts of the joint produces thin film, called synovium.

Diseases of the joints.
Inflammation of the joints.
Degenerative diseases due to tissue destruction in the joint.


 Slag. For a good work of the joint it needs lubrication. To this end, our body sends to your joints a lot of blood and lymph circulation, and with them, and all sorts of rubbish. Degradation of muscle. Joint health is highly dependent on the health of the muscles. When a muscle is healthy, well supplied with blood, then blood flow to the joint is best carried out.
Great physical exertion. If the body is not ready for such pressures, the joint is simply no time to recover.
 Heavy loads, due to being overweight. Every five extra pounds, in addition give five kilograms of load on 1 square. See This overpressure is slowly but surely destroys the cartilage of the knee. Muscle tension. When the muscles are constantly on our toes, joints and ligaments start deposition of calcium salts. It is not necessary to lift cargoes, it is enough to sit in a "comfortable" position in the office for several hours.
 Varicose veins.
 Stress. Stressful situations only exacerbate all of the previous reasons, further loading the body.

Lifestyle changes.

 1. Move. For this loan aerobics, running or at least work out a half-hour walks two to three times a week. Try once again to take no elevator and public transport, and their feet.
 2. Very effective stretching.
 3. Do not dial overweight.
 4. Vitamins can help you, especially vitamin C. This vitamin is an antioxidant, protects tissues of the joints and slows the aging process.
 5. Oily fish. Eat fish. It contains omega-3 - fatty acids, which reduce the risk of developing the disease.
 6. Gelatin. Gelatin is obtained digestion of bones, cartilage and tendons (most commonly from fish cartilage). Eating a variety of jelly products improves recovery of articular cartilage.
 7. Liquid. 1,5-2 liters of fluid a day is necessary for the body to its normal functioning.
 8. Correct posture. Standing. Stand straight, keep your head straight. Relax the shoulders, pull them back, lift up the diaphragm, pull up the stomach and buttocks. Sitting. Sit up straight, keep your head straight. Remember how in school you were taught to draw the two elbows on the desk? It is not in vain, remember how it was. Sitting try to draw with both hands on the table, evenly distributing weight on both shoulders.
 9. Normalization of blood pressure.
 10. Correction of diseases associated with blood vessels.

Your health - in your hands!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What is Osteochondrosis How to Live With It and Can It Be Avoided?

If you are diagnosed with osteochondrosis, do not panic. From this disease no one has died. Although, of course, when for no reason, nor from this start to hurt the neck, shoulders and back, numb hands and feet, there is noise in the ears and dizziness - a pleasant enough.

Today, when osteochondrosis sick every other inhabitant of the Earth, physicians seriously thought: "Maybe this is not a disease at all, and the adaptive response of the body?" Whatever it was, osteochondrosis gives a person a lot of inconvenience. And most of it goes to women older than 30 years.

What is it?

Despite the fact that "Hondros" in Greek means "cartilage", under osteochondrosis often do not realize all the damage to cartilage, and the only problem with the cartilage of spine. In osteochondrosis of the intervertebral discs - special cartilage structures that provide the backbone to our flexibility and mobility have become defective. Since then, it all begins. When osteochondrosis progresses, irreversible changes occur even in the vertebrae themselves.


The main cause of degenerative disc disease - improper distribution of load on the spine, which leads to a change in the cartilage in areas of excessive pressure. Disease may provoke anything: "broken" as a result of injuries vertebrae, weakened muscles in the back, round shoulders and lateral S-shaped curvature of the spine, dragging heavy weights and just hold for a long awkward pose.

Osteochondrosis can occur not only in people with poor posture, engaged in mental work, but also those who are well trained physically - for example, in athletes and longshoremen. In addition to purely mechanical causes, to the development of degenerative disc disease also cause metabolic disorders (eg, calcium and phosphorus), lack of micronutrients and vitamins (magnesium, manganese, zinc, vitamin D and F). Not be ruled out that a not insignificant role in this genetic predisposition plays.

What's happening?

When lifting weights, jumping, falls and similar effects on the intervertebral discs decreases the maximum load. As a result of these cartilage discs permanently injured, and healed by them can not do. It is known that cartilage, like the nervous, almost restored. Damaged intervertebral discs over time, lose their elastic properties, flattened, and the distance between the vertebrae decreases. And that means extending from the spinal nerve roots are clamped, there is pain. At the same time in the field clamps neurovascular bundle appears edema, which leads to further strengthen his denial and pain. If the intervertebral disc has already begun to break down, it ceases to absorb even more injured, the spine and gradually loses its flexibility. In 95% of cases the cause of sciatica is osteochondrosis of the intervertebral disc.

How to recognize?

The major symptom of osteoarthritis - pain. Depending on where the damaged intervertebral discs, may be ill: neck, shoulder, arm, back and even chest. Sometimes a person thinks that he has heart problems, but really, it's aching nerve, compression from degenerative disc disease. Along with the pain of a person often feels the strain and stiffness of muscles. If you squeezed the blood vessels supplying the brain, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, double vision, nausea and vomiting.


Similar complaints refer to a neurologist or trauma surgery. It will examine the spine, and if necessary appoint radiography, CT or MRI. Check how things are going with the cerebral circulation.


Treatment of degenerative disc disease - long-term process that requires a person of great strength of will and free time. Methods for controlling the disease missing: tablet (not always effective), manual therapy, massage and physiotherapy. Some people prefer to be treated by means of traditional medicine - Cup massage, hirudotherapy (leeches), traction, acupuncture, metallotherapy and bee venom. In cases where osteochondrosis complicated by herniation of the intervertebral disc, a man sent to surgery.


For the prevention of sciatica and degenerative disc disease experts recommend the following:
 Timely correction of curvatures of the spine and posture disorders in the early school age.
 Actively engage in sports, which will form the muscular system. No "standing" near the wall and "efforts" to sit up straight is no substitute for your muscles, which themselves have to take care of your posture, even when you're not thinking about it.

 Diet, eating foods with sufficient calcium and magnesium (fish and other seafood, cabbage, spinach, beans, nuts, seeds, peas, wholemeal bread and fresh milk of healthy cows) and a complete set of vitamins. Struggle with being overweight. When carrying heavy loads to ensure a uniform load on both hands, wearing a backpack instead of bags. Lift weights using only the feet, rather than the spine, as is done by weightlifters. Avoid twisting the spine in movement of cargo. And - hang, hang, hang on the bar, not only pulling the spine, but also strengthening the hand.

As AIDS Became A Pandemic?

AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a pandemic - an epidemic of global proportions.

The first reports of the disease have appeared in American medical periodicals in the early 80-ies. In a relatively short (5-7 years) term AIDS gripping the world. The territory of the then Soviet Union, thanks to the communist iron curtain "remained unconquered (except in isolated cases). At the same time, the incidence of AIDS in African countries has grown exponentially.

If we analyze the morbidity statistics by country, it turns out an interesting pattern. Level of infection with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) in the civilized world (Western Europe, North America) for the past 6-8 years has stabilized and does not exceed 1% of the total population, and is formed mainly by migrants and non-indigenous population (as For example, African migrants in England). In contrast, the underdeveloped countries of Africa and Asia show the highest infection rate. Thus, according to official figures (and official statistics in many African countries are under pressure from government agencies and has used the data to understate), HIV infection in Zambia is 30% (every third Zambian), Botswana - 41%. Average life expectancy for this disease there has slipped to 38-40 years (for comparison: in the developed world - 70 years and over).

I've always been interested in the question: "What is the reason such a high level of HIV in Africa?". At the time, Soviet propaganda, using the fact that so far there is no single proven theory of the origin of AIDS, has put forward the theory that, allegedly, HIV was artificially created somewhere in the West to destroy the African race. This idea is so like the African leaders (especially those who blame the West for all their problems) that they have accepted it as an explanation for high incidence of AIDS in Africa.

But in fact the cause of high incidence of AIDS is in the other, namely, the sexual mentality of the Africans, or more simply, in their attitude toward sex. According to historical records, before the arrival of Europeans in Africa (ie, up to 16-17 centuries), sexually transmitted diseases there were not known. Now imagine the following situation: the absence of STDs, warm climate year-round abundance of fruit (again, the whole year). What would you do? Well, of course, sex! And Africans. Their mentality has historically incorporated lightweight attitude toward sex. Add to this the absence of any religious dogmas and taboos, which is filled for European Christianity and for Muslims - Islam.

In the State Archives of Zimbabwe, I came into the hands of an interesting book. It provides a statistical report on the incidence of Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in 1921. The incidence of syphilis among Aboriginal people in far in 1921 reached 25%, ie, one in four black Zimbabwean in 1921 was infected with syphilis. It is therefore not surprising that when AIDS appeared on the scene, it has spread like lightning across Africa. Probably the same way (or close to it) AIDS is growing in other regions of the world.

The high level of HIV infection has set sane African leaders reviewing the national attitude to sexual culture. In Africa today is a fairly aggressive promotion of family values (loyalty to the spouse) and safe sex, because the stakes in this game is survival - of both the individual and the nation as a whole.

In my opinion, it is time to revise moral values about sex and we have. The alarming statistics of the growth of AIDS in post-Soviet space - to the foundation.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

What are Polycystic Ovaries and How to Treat it?

Polycystic - a hormonal disorder that leads to the formation of cysts in the ovaries. Causes of cysts are different: the left over inflammation of the fallopian tubes, stress, psychological trauma experienced by the girl in the 10 to 12 years of age.

First of all, should alert the irregular periods, long delays. This is the main symptom. Once the egg is not mature, therefore, does not ripen, and endometrium. Menstruation have to wait several months.

Encourage the development of the disease can develop chronic inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil, acute respiratory viral infections. Able to provoke disease and poor environmental conditions, and abrupt climate change.

The disease can manifest itself in different ways: delayed menstruation from one to six months, obesity, shows "excess vegetation, is that women have a nagging pain in the abdomen. But this is sometimes insufficient for diagnosis. Correlate data with clinical ultrasound and hormonal studies because of polycystic can be observed in other organs.

Cause of the disease may be the denial of their femininity, rejection of femininity; scrolling old hurts, plate images. Here, we can recommend the use of affirmations: "I am glad my femininity. I love being a woman. I love my body "or" The images in my mind are beautiful because I choose to make them so. I love myself. " They can speak or write. It is important to seek medical attention.

It is important to start treatment in time, as the sooner treatment is started, the sooner you can achieve success. Remember: polycystic leads to infertility and cancer. There are two ways of treatment: the operational and non-surgical.

Operation on the ovaries is called laparoscopy, in its course is three holes. Through them, removed all the cysts, which detects the surgeon during surgery. Unfortunately, surgery provides only a temporary effect that lasts about six months, then you have to take hormone therapy.

At present, perhaps non-surgical treatment - hormone replacement therapy from 3 months to a year. In recent years, widely used drug "Yasmin", who, unlike other hormones control weight.

There is a folk remedy for treating polycystic: 300 g of raisins, 0.5 liters of vodka to infuse for 21 days. Take 1 tablespoon an hour before meals 3 times a day. Repeat the course 3 times.

There are yoga exercises, aimed at addressing "purely women's issues." Pose Baddha Konasana, for example, promotes the improvement of the pelvic organs, kidneys and adrenal glands.

Whatever treatment you choose, know this: it must take place under medical supervision.

One of the tips for preventing re-formation of cysts is "Operation Warm hands and feet." As you can imagine, we must keep hands and feet warm. Particularly difficult to maintain them warm in cold weather. Then it follows immediately after returning from the street to warm hands and feet under running hot water. If it fails, then in the evening take a hot bath.

Success in treating!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Depression - An Illness or Fashion? Part 2

Thus, the opinion of the second.
Depression - a disease.

Depression (from Lat. Depression suppression) - mental illness, usually occurring after negative events in a person's life, but often develops without any apparent reason.

Argued that the depression - the illness is very rich and very poor (Rejoice, the middle class!). Gossip says that the rich people who can afford anything, anything you want, quickly pall their comfortable existence. Like, having tried all the entertainment world, they are millionaires, these are beginning to be depressed, and all that "mere mortals" would instantly dispel sadness, for them is not new and boring. The second category of people who are prone to depression, according to popular belief, suffer from their own poverty. Like, people living below the poverty line, feel inferior and defective, they are sadly dragged its existence and can not do anything (or think they can not) do about it. There is a misconception opinion ... (the middle class - ready!).

Oddly, but in reality people are depressed completely, regardless of their intellectual level and social status.

Depression - a serious disease that affects not only our moods and thoughts, but also the body. It has a strong influence on all spheres of human existence - the way a person sleeps and eats like perceives itself and its surrounding objects and people. Depression does not equate with the lethargic mood or infirmity, and it is hardly possible to defeat the effort of will. Depressed people can not just "pull themselves together" and get better. Like any other mental illness, depression should be treated, otherwise the symptoms may last a week, month and even a few years. Appropriate treatment usually helps everyone who calls him.

Depression, like any other disease, can flow from one form to another.

Psychiatrists often distinguish three main types of depressive disorders, which, in turn, may significantly differ from each other symptoms, the strength with which these symptoms are expressed, and the duration of the disease.

Major depression. On it may indicate symptoms (they are all listed below) that interfere with a person to fully work, study, eat, sleep and enjoy everything that usually gives him pleasure. Such a strong mental disorder may occur only once, but often happens a few times in my life.

Less severe type of depression is a mental depression, which manifested in prolonged, chronic symptoms that are not globally interfere with a person there, but do it the existence of defective. Typically, patients in this disorder may occasionally fall into a deep depression.

Bipolar psychosis, or manic-depressive disorder. This form of depression is less common than the previous two. In manic-depressive psychosis is characterized by cyclical mood changes, such as mania or passion for something suddenly gives way to depression. In some cases, these changes occur very rapidly, but mostly it occurs gradually. Being in a cycle of depression, the patient may experience some or all of the symptoms of depression.

In the manic cycle, the same person becomes overly active, talkative, the energy just gushes out of him the key. Such condition often causes serious harm to humans and its reputation, the patient begins to behave strangely society, condemning all who do not share his views and the like. During a manic episode a person is unable to realize all their grand ideas and Napoleon's plans, which are created in his head, and that threaten to exacerbate his mental illness.

Signal to the alarm is usually represented by multiple symptoms of depression and mania. We should not forget that people who suffer from manic-depressive disorder may experience all or only a few of the following symptoms.

Thus, depression:

- Prolonged sadness, anxiety, feeling "empty";
- Hopelessness, pessimism;
- A sense of helplessness, guilt, worthlessness;
- Loss of interest in activities previously enjoyed (including sex);
- Tiredness, lack of energy, some "confusion";
- A sharp deterioration of memory, difficulty concentrating and making decisions;
- Insomnia, when a person wakes up too early, or vice versa can not get out of bed Sutra;
- Loss of appetite and weight Ljubo overeating and a sharp increase in obesity;
- Thoughts of death or suicide, attempted suicide;
- Irritability and restlessness;
- Long-term physical disorders that are not amenable to traditional treatment, such as migraines, digestive problems, aches and pains of chronic nature.

- An unusual elation or excessive admiration;
- Irritability;
- A constant feeling of lack of sleep;
- Excessive talkativeness;
- Sverhmerno grandiose intentions;
- Excessive talkativeness;
- A fleeting thought;
- Increased sexual desire;
- Increased energy;
- Acts that defy analysis from the perspective of common sense;
- Anti-social behavior.

Thus, if at least some of these symptoms you notice me in person or in someone from your family, you should immediately contact a doctor who tells you how to deal with this disease. Do not think that mental disorders may touch someone else, but not you.

Depression affects both women and men, old men and teens. The main thing - time to recognize the disease and to direct all efforts to combat it.
There are many ways to combat depression, among which are serious, like psychotherapy, medication or even hospitalization, and are available to all of us as aromatherapy, homeopathic remedies and simple but so useful vitamins.

In some ways you can help yourself, the main thing to realize that depressed mood, feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and desolation are part of depression and may not affect the real state of things that surround you. The second asset in the struggle with this mental disorder are your relatives and friends. For only they can give you much needed support and love. Should not be removed from the depressed person, it should be remembered that, after proper treatment, he will again become familiar with all your favorite humorist.

And now try to compare the symptoms of a serious illness called "depression" with the state, which is so readily grant for this disease your friends or relatives. But not if your daughter has just left the kitchen, throwing on the move: "I can not do, depression is probably"? Does not your husband, watching retreating into the darkness once smoked a cigarette butt next to them on the balcony of cigarettes, tells you the sepulchral voice: "At work, things are bad, I have depression?

Reassure the family, because most likely they have no depression, but simply a temporary fatigue or low mood due to, again, time troubles, which are held and resolved as quickly as they arise. Everything we know about the materiality of thought, and especially the word, so let's stop our lives to proclaim the various problems and serious illnesses such as depression. Psychiatrists aware of the most powerful weapon - self-hypnosis.
Do not point a weapon against themselves, and do not call every trifling trouble and sadness connected with it, scary, well-known to every inhabitant metropolis, in a word - Depression ...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Depression - An Illness or Fashion? Part One

Depression ... We are continually confronted with people living with this disease or whether they were victims of this "plague of the late 20th century." Looking at the incredible number of "patients' depression inadvertently suggests the idea that no is not a disease but merely a tribute to fashion.

Is again at the peak of popularity for society are languishing sighs, self-torture, the tears, every now and then screw-in eyes without any reason, the endless oohs and ahs da etc.? So, the first of the diametrically opposing views.

Depression - fashion.

Oddly, but in the spring, most people who call themselves depressed patients, illness is dissolved in a sea of fresh flavors, the singing birds and a riot of youth swelling buds on the branches of waking up. But in autumn, on the contrary, by every modern girl schoolgirl can we hear the phrase, uttered with such sadness in his voice that just my heart bleeds: "I have autumn depression ... Oh ...." Paradoxically, the psychiatrists and psychologists around the world in one voice say that the escalation in really depressed people may fall ... and in the spring. Yes, yes, exactly. And in the spring, too. Depression is an exception among other mental illnesses and disorders, and consequently, the spring song of the birds is unlikely to cure it.

The fact that the fall and winter our mood is steadily going down to the minus sign, of course, because the days are getting shorter, gray, gloomy. On all sides we are relentlessly attacking the dirt, mud, cold and darkness. At work we run a dark street, sometimes from the window of frozen trolleybus can be seen not yet extinct stars in the sky.

On the way back we will have the same grim picture, yet embellished and heightened by the wind, which can not wait to sign us to their spiny arms. Well, at any reasonable person not to spoil the mood of this picture? Is that hopelessly in love with winter, romantics and optimists who look like their reflection in the ice of the frozen puddles and slush underfoot known not only as snow. Does this mean that everyone who complains about the arrival of the cold season, people with depression? In my opinion, no ... I'll tell you a secret that the lack of sunlight can replace simple and so familiar to us all the bright electric light.

From time to time, people tend to feel sadness, pain, anguish. And it is absolutely natural and logical. Could people rightfully call himself a man if he was insensitive and lacking compassion for a creature? And he could empathize and sympathize with, if he did not feel absolutely no ill feelings? Much to our regret, the man is not perfect and sometimes positive feelings are entirely absorbed and suppressed feelings negative. This is where you can talk about depression or other mental illness.

What we now so readily take for depression, more similar to this old concept, as melancholy. In its origin melancholia originates from one of the four moods "which described the Hippocrates. He called it the mood of "black bile." I believe the name speaks for itself, and no further description is superfluous melancholy.

Melancholy, or the so-called "mild depression" can be easily overcome through sports or other active hobbies, or else taking a course of vitamins, especially well past help after a prolonged winter. Only about one hundred years ago, scientists first seriously interested in depression, and antidepressants emerged and that later - but early in the second half of the twentieth century. I wonder how in the old days people cope with this disease? Or maybe they just did not know about it, and therefore hurt less?

Many psychiatrists argue that even the deepest state of depression can be overcome, just like a regular bout of the blues. The key point in this struggle is the fact that you are required to strive to raise their spirits and put himself in order. The hardest part - get yourself to act and stop to look for reasons to be sad. And in this case, even recourse to a professional is a consequence of their own efforts.

People, especially women, are often repeat one another phrase: "Well, what do you cheat yourself?". Familiar? Of course, it is heard by all, and not once. Always, when we worry for their loved ones, our imagination is taken to paint horrific pictures. For example, when a spouse for half an hour late, and the mobile is not responding. Most of us have 20 minutes to climb the head the idea that ice on the roads, will begin to choke the memories of how last week you have "clipped" and you almost flew into the opposite lane, and similar horrors. In short, you will gradually raises the self, and chop into outright panic!

This state may last for as long as the door burst open, and you do not embrace his beloved's neck. Exactly the same way as we multiplies own fears, we can multiply and the disease. The line between melancholy and depression is very thin. The main thing - do not cross that line. Depression-mode is most easily subject to depression, illness, because they often begin to believe that the utter ...

To be continued.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Why is it Useful to Lie with the Child in Hospital?

As often happens: Your baby has started to master kindergarten, and immediately reached a series of sores. By the ordinary nozzle and cough, it seems, are used: a child - acclimation! You keep going to work, kid - on his own. But suddenly, like a bombshell: his serious illness! And not just a typical OCR, and a high temperature, weakness and loss of appetite. And there is no getting away: we must go with the crumbs to the hospital. Let's calm down and think together: why the universe you threw this difficult situation?

1. To teach a child to bear the pain and serious about your health.
I remember how hard it was to explain to my son that my aunt with the needle wants to make it "good" ... you will be hard to keep it at an injection and droppers, cheat, giving porridge with a bitter pill inside, wear a mask for inhalation or poking him under the shirt electrophoresis . Explain to him every move, let's appointment of doctors in the form of the game ("Aunt wants to drink through this button for your hand!"). Together encourages other children who have yet heavier and praise your child for the hard treatment.

2. Finally, to communicate with your child as much as possible.
My friend was lying with two-year daughter in hospital almost a month. And most importantly, that she made: "How long I have not looked into her eyes! Once upon a time I was more worried about her stained dress or unfastened shoes, but to sit down and just smile, looking at the eyes, I did not have enough time! "

3. To teach your child something new and make their own discoveries.
Have you formed an additional lot of time, so - cards in your hand! Teach a kid poems, draw or paint, ask the house dice: learn colors and build the most incredible tower. None, even the best, the governess is no substitute for parental attention baby! Take a look at the same time as your child builds relationships with peers and adults, whether he knows how to treat others and share toys. My sister, for example, seeing the girls on what draws the attention of her son, she realized what it would be mother-in-twenty years that way!

4. To look at other children.
Of course, for any parent your own child - the smartest and most beautiful. But now I do not know! Perhaps looking at how other roll on level ground tantrum or beat the younger, mentally you hang yourself on the Order of the chest for proper upbringing of his child. Or maybe something else to learn from other moms ...

5. To understand who is who in your neighborhood.
There is a grandmother who does not call for months, knowing that his grandson is seriously ill. There are bosses, which stalled when your sick dreams of fire you as soon as you leave for work. There's even a mother (although, probably, it is called by another name!), Who brought the child to the hospital, and themselves disappear forever ... And there are just close friends, who sincerely fear for you, send sms-ki and bring the box with the yogurt. Take all of what is happening, with a calm heart! Disease - the best litmus for any relationship.

6. To see a strong and wise adults.
You are trying hard not to cry when a child, think fun with it coming "Soon" and braids of ragged bandages little pigtails. It is difficult to say who hurts: baby - physically, or mother - morally. In any case, when all you do is survive, relatives appreciate your strength and peace of mind that you have purchased in the hospital!

7. To this never happens again.
Now you know exactly how much should be in the blood leukocytes, how to stop bleeding than water baby at high temperature. We assume that it was you need to become caring, attentive and kind to your baby. Thank fate for these lessons, though taught in such a hard way. Remember, a disease of a child tries to reach out to their parents have earned! Therefore continue to monitor: when the time to scatter stones and when the time "to remove them from the kidneys.

Work, create, relax together, create something new in his family and always be healthy - together with your child!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Influenza: The Truth That Fiction?

We all get sick, and most common colds. How then bypass the flu, which has developed many myths and stereotypes that are often just as hazardous to health?

For people with strong immune flu not dangerous

Indeed, there are people who do not suffer from the flu. This is due to the so-called genetic stability. It is present in humans from birth. But immediately it must be said that such resistance is very rare. Most often, there is a risk of contracting influenza, and then the immune status plays no role. A person can hardly get sick and do not get colds, but it is not a guarantee that the next flu epidemic will pass by his side. Therefore, doctors recommend preventive influenza everyone without exception.

Treat the flu is useless - he will

As the saying goes, "Without treatment, the flu lasts a week, with treatment - seven days." This is the truth: if the therapy does not start on time, the flu can be no cure - no result will be. Judge for yourself: we are starting to take medication when it gets really bad: the temperature is kept for several days, but because of the weakness is impossible to separate his head from the pillow. I have to work a girl comes into the office, and the director tries to persuade her to go home. It is especially important to prevent the development of influenza. The acute phase of the disease is observed in the first days after infection. Person concerned only minor symptoms, but here then and you want to start treatment. In this case, you can "break" the disease and not allowing it to develop, and to minimize the chance of complications.

Antibiotics for the flu will not be denied. Any medication should be taken only under medical supervision. The flu is assigned a complex treatment, mostly symptomatic, and antibiotics are needed for the development of complications and strictly according to prescribed regimens.

Vaccination will protect against influenza. Many believe that after the flu vaccine is impossible. In fact, it is not: the risk of infection remains, but it is significantly less. In this case, a role played by the type of vaccine, each of them gives their percent guarantee of security. But on average it amounts to no less than 80-90%.

If there is a temperature, it should immediately bring down the

This setup is very harmful, and in recent years, many are aware of this. While not everyone can keep ourselves from the desire to take a loading dose of antipyretic. And it would be necessary. After a fever - it is nothing like a defensive reaction of the body that seeks to kill infectious agents. This means that the disease easier. Another thing is that many not tolerate this process. In this case the fever should be taken, but if the temperature is below 37.5 - 37.6 degrees.

Vitamins rescued from influenza

There is no dispute vitamins - that's great, but from the flu, they will not save. The optimal solution will be integrated therapy, which includes antiviral medications, and vitamins.

The longer you are on the outside, the lower the risk of contracting influenza
Adoption is not all right, because on the street, we met many people who, it is likely suffering from the flu. Another thing is that in the fresh air the risk of infection is relatively low. He grows hundreds of times indoors, where going to a lot of people.

So be healthy and do not sneeze!